Jump Pilot

Duties in this position included, briefing all jumpers on winds aloft, Thorough preflight inspection, Safely operating our Cessna 206, and fly appropriate upwind jump run.

In addition, ferrying to the maintenance facility and assisting A&P on 100 hour inspections


  1. 2700ft bumpy dirt runway

  2. Narrow runway at only 20ft wide

  3. powerlines and trees on both sides of the runway

  4. heavy takeoffs over obstacles

  5. animals crossing the runway

  6. shifting weight and balance from jumpers moving to the door on exit

  7. jumpers hanging on the outside of the aircraft in flight

I have learned a lot in this position. Primarily how to assert myself as pilot in command. All skydivers want to do jump out of the plane. They don’t care what the winds or the weather is. This creates an extraordinary external pressure to fly. Secondly, I learned how to takeoff and land safely given all of the challenges listed above.