For my flight training I opted to enroll in Montana State University’s Associates of Aviation Science program. This program included ground and flight training for my Private, Instrument, Commercial multi and commercial single engine ratings. All of my flight training occurred at Bozeman Yellowstone National Airport (KBZN). This location allowed me to train in a wide spectrum of conditions. Including, mountainous terrain, high density altitude, and icy/snow covered runways.

Intresting Classes

  • This class was taught by a Top Gun and Blue angles F-18 pilot. We learned how to prevent and recover from unusual attitudes such as different types of spins. In addition we learned the aerodynamics of spins and stalls.

    Secondly, we went in depth on emergency procedures. The instructor would teach all of the material, then we would walk through a scenario as a class

  • In this class we studied how to use and how the Garmin G1000 worked. This included the different autopilot modes, how to use different forms of navigation, and how to effectively use the G1000 in the instrument environment.

    My favorite part of the course was using the G1000 simulator. The simulator allowed us to get experience using the G1000 to shoot instrument approach’s.

  • In this class we learned the organizations and processes that govern commercial aviation in the US.

    In addition, we studied how aviation accidents and incidents are investigated. This included studying how past aviation accidents happened.

  • Part of this program was a crew resource management exercise. A classmate and I went into a DA-42 simulator and they put us through an engine failure after takeoff in icing conditions. Each of us would take a turn being pilot flying and pilot monitoring. This taught me how to work and make decisions as part of a crew.